List of Activities

Coffee Meetings

These are informal online meetings where female researchers can meet other women working in the field of mathematical physics.

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Our dedicated team is committed to promoting the activities and projects of AWMP while enhancing and regularly updating this website.

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Diversity reading group

A reading group about research on gender gap, participation of women and minorities in academia and the job market.

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Events - Women in Math Phys

Our group promotes events organized for women in mathematical physics. We collect and share information on conferences, events, activities, calls for funding etc. of interest.

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Hybrid conferences group

Participating in conferences is crucial, especially for young researchers. Therefore, this working group investigates ways of improving participation of underrepresented groups in our community. As a first important aspect, we work on a survey on the effects of organizing conferences in hybrid form.

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Mentoring program (Upcoming)

This activity will focus on the creation of a mentoring programme for women in mathematical physics, from student to postdoctoral level.

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Shaping the initiative (Upcoming)

This activity will focus on how to reach out to similar initiatives, to involve people from all areas of mathematical physics, to find out what initiatives would be appreciated by women in our community, to investigate funding possibilities.

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