Voices of women in Mathematical Physics: A series of five interviews

Contribution to the IAMP Bulletin, April 2022.

Women are an integral part of the mathematical physics community. This interview series, organized by Giulia Basti, Chiara Boccato, Lea Bossmann, Serena Cenatiempo, Emanuela L. Giacomelli, Giovanna Marcelli, andSimone Rademacher, shines a spotlight on five female members of IAMP.

We selected five researchers at different career stages and working in various areas of mathematical physics, in institutions located in diverse parts of the world. Maria Esteban is a senior researcher in nonlinear PDEs based in France; Eman Hamza, an associate professor in Egypt, works on quantum many-body physics; associate professor Makiko Sasada from Japan explores the hydrodynamic limit; Hanne van den Bosch is an assistant professor in Chile investigating the Dirac operator; and Amanda Young from the US is currently a postdoc in Germany researching quantum lattice models. Starting from the same set of questions for each researcher, the interviews display a variety of perspectives on research, careers and the situation of women in mathematical physics. They are sorted alphabetically.

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